Mystery # 2 is solved! (Mystery #1 was the mystery of the Red Bump, which was fleas. Mystery # 2 is mystery of the Cat Pee)
Cloud: Well, it seems that it was probably ME peeing all over the house, but I won't tell.
The V-E-T called Dad Sunday and told him that Niko's pee was normal, but mine had crystals in it. They asked Dad if there was still somecat peeing around the house, and there isn't, and there is normal pee in the boxes. So they said for now just keep us on the antibiotics to be safe, and hopefully my crystals were a reaction to the stress from the fleas. If any more pee is found around the house or if I show any other symptoms I will have to get more tests to find out more about my crystals, the doctor said it may turn out that I have stones. Has any other cat had crystals in their pee before? Mom is a little worried because she's never had a cat with crystals before and she doesn't really know what to make of this. (Okay, she's worried because Mom worries a lot in general but shh I didn't say that).
Thanks for all your purrs and comments- advice welcome.
P.S. Oh and we also got an award last week. We didn't forget, Mom says we will announce it formally very soon.