Mom: OK kitties, Ann from Zoolatry emailed the kittens some updated blog header choices recently. This was convenient, because they will be ONE YEAR OLD soon (July 2nd). I intercepted the kittens email and have posted the sample
So, I am opening up voting on the two headers that Ann sent, and the one with more votes will be the new header. The headers are below, and you can click on them to bigify.
Thanks for voting! There will be a poll posted on the right side, and polling will be available until June 30th.
We voted. Ann does lovely graphics.
We like them both, but maybe #1 just a little more. Ann does such a good job!
We like number 2.
Luf, Us
Those are great, but I think I like #2 a little better. Both of my headers were done by Ann, too. I just LOVE her!
We love them both. Guess we're not much help.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We like both, but think #2 is just a tad more confusing, makes it seem more like there are 4 kitties! But they're both good!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
It was a really hard choice, and I don't think you could go wrong with either one. I think I like #1 a little better because it's a little simpler. But it's close!
Well they are both stunning but our absolute fave one is the first - so we voted for that. Ann is SO talented.
What a hard choice!! They are both good,but we will pick #1 because we see your cute bodies more ;)
Thank you for your kind words and purrs for Mickey!
It is so nice to have so much support from our friends :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
We like #2 the best.
wow they just made are too
I know it so hard to chosies so we going to roated alot but we love number 2
We LOVE them both....but we went with #1! Zoolatry rules!!!
Okay, we voted. We are brawt some bacon too...let's eat and sleep.
We voted!
We voted!!!
Both are great!!
We like both of the banners but the first one might be a bit more clear. *purrs*
Sorry to double-comment on this post, but we wanted to leave it somewhere! :)
Bugsy thanks you both for your purrs and headbutts, he came out of surgery just fine and will be home tomorrow!! The Mommy thanks you too!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
What a neat birthday present for Niko and Cloud! They are both great, but I will make up my mind and vote.
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