Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tweet Week #1

Fin had a great idea and suggested this week be tweet week.
Well, Mom loves birds a lot, and has 3, so she insisted we purrticipate.
We will start this week off with an old picture of Cricket. Mom only had him for about a year before he got ill and died. Here is him admiring his handiwork- he had chewed thru the cord on Mom's playstation controller!
Sorry for the bad pic, Mom only had a webcam at the time and no digital camera.


The Kitty Krew said...

Looks like a pretty bird! We're sorry he didn't live longer. :(

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Cindy said...

Cute bird. Too bad he died so young.

The Creek Cats said...

Cricket was such a cutie! We are sorry he had such a short life.
Our mom and dad used to have a quaker parrot.