Niko: Uncle Mo sent Mom some q-pons. He sent one for free litter with purchase of crunchies, one for a furminator, and one for a fountain. Mom decided not to use the Furminator one after all because she found it much cheaper online (If anyone wants it, please email us or leaf a comment and we can send it over). But she got the food and litter, and the fountain. Let's see if we liked it:

Mom says that's a yes! And don't worry, she moved the cord to a better spot so it won't get wet and will be getting a cord cover for it shortly- until then we aren't allowed to use it unsnoopervised. These pictures were taken less than 2 minutes after it got set up- Cloud was checking it out while Mom was still filling it even, and I came running up not a minute later!
Yay,we're glad that you like your fountain. Nice fresh water is so good.
Good for you drinking out of the Drinkwell. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris
I'm glad you like the fountain! We are still sink kitties here!
We think a fountain is not only a good cuz you can get a drink...but it makes for a great toy to play with too! Enjoy yours!
Oh, those water fountains are so much fun to play in.
You guys looks like you really likes it! You looks like you want to stick your paw in it, I would. hehehe
Wow! Running water! You lucky things!
Your fountain looks like great fun.
Ooooh, that looks like fun! Refreshing & fun ... good combination ;)
Good for you! I've had my new fountain for three weeks and I still won't touch it. Mom says it's because I'm old and don't like change.
::Mommy Whispers:: Have you tried the Furminator? I was thinking of getting one for the floof. A Q-Pon might be good.
Mom what are you writing?
We want one of these. We're hoping the Easter bunny might bring us one ...
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