Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Telescope bag?

Mom got a new telescope a month ago. Dad made her a carrying case for the telescope out of some dark blue blanket-like material. Wonder where it is? Oh..I see a bird outside!!


Cindy said...

I don't know where it could be?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Good luck to the Mom ta "see" stuff. It is so bad here ya can barely see Sirius on a good night...

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Nice bed! We think you are a very nice looking cat.

Anonymous said...

Telescopes are pretty cool. Our boy bean has one. Hopefully your mom will find the bag for her telescope.

Baby Patches said...

Oh where could it be after alls my furriend? MOL hehehe everyfing belongs to da kitties!


lupie said...

Meow Meow!

Lucky & Meowmmy popping by to say "hello" and "thank you" for your kindness!

Just Ducky said...

Thanks for the Gotcha Day wishes.

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

It makes a nice place for a kitty to rest, doesn't it?

Charlemagne and Tamar