Our Mom is a squillion years old today!!! If she was a cat she'd be like 130!!
Oh well, at least she's not like our dad, who will be a squillion PLUS FOUR years old in almost two weeks! (Dad is four years older than mom)
Sorry we haven't posted much and sorry we don't comment much anymore. Mom goes to college and works, so sometimes she doesn't have much time to help us blog. But she makes sure to help us read all your blogs! This blog is DEFINITELY NOT going completely inactive but posts will probably continue to be spurr-attic except for over the summers. Mom will be getting her 2 year degree soon, but then she is going to a new school soon to get her Bat-furs degree.
Happy Purrthday to your mom!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday to your Mom! Hope she has a lovely day.
Whicky Wuudler
Wishing your mom a very happy birthday!!
Our boy beans are taking exams this week, so we can only imagine how busy your Mom is. Why they barely has time to pet us. We wishes your Mom a Happy Birthday.
A very happy birthday to your mom! We hope she has a wonder-fully day!
Oh no, it's dat bizzy mom disease! Hope she haf a great birfday wif lots of treats and a little alaxashun...
It's nice to get your news! We wish your Mom a Very Happy Birthday! She works so hard we hope she is taking the day off today and celebrating!
Happy Birthday to your mom!!
Happy Birthday mommy!!
Happy Birthday,Momcat. We hope you manage some celebrating in between all the studying.
Happy Birthday to your Mom! My mom says to tell her to keep up the good work on those degrees. Once earned, that is something that no one can ever take away from you.
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