On Wednesday it was 3 weeks since our OWCB died. Yesterday MomBean and DadBean received a sympathy card from the vet's. They said it was very nice, but then proceeded to cry a lot.
Today is a Fractious Friday, in memory of our One Who Came Before, Texas.
Here is one of his last photos.

Here are the flowers his old housemates Murphy and Daphne sent him after he went to the bridge.

Here is his grave in the backyard. Mommy put some of his flowers on it for him.

And finally, in loving memory of our OWCB, here we are being fractious with each other!

you should always continue to be fractious - it's a good thing!
Staying Fractious is a great tradition to carry on!
Being fractious is a wonderful way to remember Texas. ~S,S & C
That's a good tradition to carry on with you two!
Smooches, we sure do miss sweet Texas!
I am sure Texas is thrilled that you are carrying on the Fractious tradition!
The first month is so hard.
And the best thing to always remember Texas is to stay fractious!
We gave you the "I love your cats" award, you can get it at our blog.
When we are fractious we are doing it in Texas's memory!
I enjoy being fractious, too!
ps: almost all of my outfits come from Build-a-Bear! You can get them on-line, and they cost less green papers than regular pet clothings. I weigh just 6 pounds, so they fit me pretty good. Most of the things fasten easily with velcro, too!
Awwww sweet Texas. We miss him. Those are some nice flowers. You two wrassling are cute!
We are sorry to hear about the silver machine. We hope all works out well. We will purr for it to be so.
We really miss Texas a lot.
We are glad you continue the tradition of fractiousness! We are trying, too!
That was a wonderfully fractious tribute to Texas!
Purrs Shade and Goldie
ps~ Thanks for the garlic tip. We did not know that. They were chives that taste like garlic so not really garlic. The PM was going to plant some neext year; we'll have to look into it more.
Carrying on a tradition is a good thing. Fractious would appreciate it.
We think it's kool that you are doing Fractious Cat Friday in honor of Texas! Texas was a kool kitty...we miss him!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
I think Texas is looking down and is very proud that you are continuing the tradition of being fractious!
Texas was a great fractious kitty, but you two are doing great considering you're so little!
Gypsy & Tasha
Mom and I are hoping that you are not feeling too sad 'cos Texas will be watching over you all. And he will be thrilled that you're fractious!
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