Thursday, October 9, 2008

Blogger Kwestion

Hai, does anycat know how to enable cattergories on blogger? Momma wants to help us cattergorize our posties and she duzn't know how!



Anonymous said...

We think you're talking about Labels. It's just below the post area in the lower right and called "Labels for this post". You can label them any way you'd like.

Anonymous said...

To show the label/categories on your blog, go to layout( on your dashboard) and add the label gadget to your sidebar.
Hope that helps!

Brownie said...

You have another question? You can still tell me so I can answer you! We know blogging isn't easy, so just tell us if you have a purr-o-blem!

Brownie said...

PS: DON'T MAKE THE MISTAKE OF MAKING LABELS JUST FOR ONE POST. Put some like: "General, No categorie, cats, fun stuff, food" or some like that, not big labels or for post that will not have nothing in common with other posts, many bloggers I know did that mistake so it's hard to see their blog nicely