Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Confused Two-Kitten Tuesday

We are BOTH confused today because yesterday even though Mom was home, we had to stay in our room ALL day. And there was lots of banging and hammering noises. And there will be more today, the Beans say.
But they seem HAPPY about this. Strange Beans.
Oh well. Back to regularly scheduled scratching.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We wonder what can be happening with all the banging that's going on.

TabbyNormal said...

You guys are looking really glossy! That's good.

Abby & Stygia

Anonymous said...

That looks a neat scratching thingy. I use Mom's cupboard and she moans and moans and moans about it. I turn a deaf 'un though! Tee hee!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It sounds like something fun is afoot!

Tom and Tama-Chan

Kiddo said...

Maybe they're bulding something for ya...like a giant mouse trap!


Kiddo said...

Maybe they're bulding something for ya...like a giant mouse trap!


Everycat said...

You have a brilliant scratchy pad there, you don't need to worry about da banging.


Thoughts said...

that stretched out little kitty body is SO cute!!!!