Niko:About a week ago, Mom helped us post a pictor of me with a straw. Well, we mentioned I might post a video of it too. It took some convincing, cuz it shows you how messy our house can get sometimes. Cloud:The beans aren't the neatest beans, but this isn't all their fault. We'd been playing THoE for about 2 hours before this video got takened, so don't blame the beans compleetly. Niko:Anyways, I DEFENDED my STRAW! Turn up the volume to hear me practice my ManCat Growl!
Also, I got my Mancat-in-Training Badge recently!

Please be sure to scroll down to the prior posts to see the winners of the contests. We are making up for lost time by posting fast and furiously! Well, at least fast...
We are sorry your Internet connection is being flaky. We knows all about that. Sometimes our router (Netgear) overheats and it causes our modem to act flaky.
We like your straw video Niko, you have a great mancat growl.
~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris
Congratulations on your mancat in training badge!
PS - Straws are FUN!
It was great to see you defending your straw! And Concatulations on your new mancat in training badge!
Sorry, we double posted!
Niko, the great straw defender!
Thanks so much for stopping by and sending Maya lots of luck with his dental today!
Hi kitties! We haven't visited for awhile and my goodness how big you are getting!!
Congrats on teh training badge! You'll make a great mancat!
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