Cloud: Well, I guess it's not really a confession, because I didn't do anything wrong---
Niko: You are allowed to chew on the blind cord now?
Cloud: Yes Iam -
Mom: (raises eyebrows)
Cloud: NOW ANYWAY, my secret, is that---
There is no photographic evidence of this, because Mom isn't going to put a banana next to me and scare me just for a pictor. Good Mom. But Mom eats bananas for breakfast a lot, and the other day I came up to her and said "pet me" and she said "I'm eating" and I said "I don't care- PET ME" and she petted me and put a smidge of banana on her finger and offered it to me. And I HISSED and ran away!! The next day I came up to Mom again when she was eatin a banana and she accidentally dropped the peel when she went to pet me and I hissed at it and ran away again. Mom says I am very wierd, and am apparently the opposite of Pixie (Daisy's late sisfur).
Niko:Continuing the foods report, I gotted TURKEY. Cloud does not like to eat real turkey, only turkey cans, but I do! Mom went to grab 2 of her favorite TV dinner, and there was a turkey one behind the first one, and she didn't realize. Well, Mom doesn't like turkey so she gave me some and I eated it all up. Nom Nom Nom.
You are weird bananas are good, but maybe you hissed cause some of the medicine at the vets is disguised as banana. ~S,S,C & F
I don't like bananas but I'm not scairt of them. I don't like it when miewmie drinks coffee though.
Bananaphobia. How very intriguing!
Well, even though Pixie sure loved her bananers, I never enjoyed them. But I was not scairt of them. Maybe you met a real bad bananer. Just remember, one bad bananer don't spoil the whole bunch!
We never heard of being scared of bananas, but phobias can't really be explained, they just ARE. So don't feel bad about it and don't let Niko make fun of you.
He's probably scared of something silly too and just doesn't know it yet. ;)
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
We are very sorry that the banana scared you! *purrs*
Somehow that blind by my very special window got broken. I don't know how it happened either.
Maybe the sneaky banana hissed at you first but did it so quietly only you heard it.
We've never tried bananas before, but we sure love our nip banana!
That big yellow banana was probably larger than you, Cloud.
OMC! Momma just tried to gives me banana da other day and I just smelled it but didn't tries it. My brofur luvs bananas!
weird bananas are really good...
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