Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Two-Cat Tuesday: QA testing

We got a new Turbo Scratcher for our purrfday, and it was very very impawtant that we extensively QA tested it.

It passes!


The Kitty Krew said...

Looks like fun, kitties! We need one of those... Mommmmmyyyyyyy!!!!

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Sweet Purrfections said...

I had something very similar to that when I was a baby and I loved it! I wonder what happened to it.

The Island Cats said...

You are a very good Turbo Scratcher quality control tester!

TabbyNormal said...

That looks like FUN!!!

Abby & Stygia

PS. Happy belated birthday to you two!

Baby Patches said...

Dat is one of my main duties (product tester) as Chief Kit for momma's store, you guys are hired to helps me test out all da new toys! MOL hehehe

Happy Purrfday to you guys! I knows da turbo track toys are funs!


Anonymous said...

I like to stand in the middle on mine too! Hmm, I'm gonna go and see if I can find it!

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this is my first article about cat training toilet.

Do let me know if you link me so that I can link you as well!


thank you so much..

Daisy said...

Trackball is the greatest! Don't spend all your time at the track, now.

ps: We aren't worried about any side effects of the chlorpheniramine, but it didn't really help Harley's EGC (although it seemed to help at first). Sometimes, he seems to lick a lot at his linear granulomas on the back of his legs and the antihistamine helps with that.