My name is Niko, I was just abducted (adopted, Niko!) from a rescue yesterday. My sisfur Cloud is still at the rescue, because we fink she had a reacshun to her shots on Wednesday. Once she is feeling better, she can come home and live wif us too!
StrangeLady-I mean MomBean- wanted to wait until my sisfur was well, but she thinks while the rescue lady tried very hard, I wasn't getting as good medical care as I should there, so she decided to take me home as soon as I was ready.
I am definitely a "two-cat" cat, and I'm super snuggly. This is totally different than how the One Who Came Before, Texas was.
I like to climb, especially pants legs that are in use by Beans, and I like to nibble, especially hair and necklaces. MomBean had to stop wearing her necklace for now cuz I liked it so much I would try to strangle her with it!! :)
I also get underfoot a lot. This causes problems for mommy in the kitchen. She almost stepped on me, and she was so startled that she crashed into the kitchen counter! Hehehehehehe!
I have to go back in my new PTU today because I am getting my first visit with the new V-E-T. It's the same V-E-T MomBean and DadBean took Texas to, and where the fevvers go as well, rather than the V-E-T the shelter lady uses. So, I have to meet a new V-E-T. I think this one is strange, cuz he wants MomBean to bring him a sample of my poo! How wierd! Oh, Mom says it's to make sure that the icky parasite that made me puke and have diarrhea is gone. Oh, I guess that makes sense....
I also sneezed a few times yesterday. I haven't sneezed today though, some MomBean thinks I might have herpes like Texas did, and it just flared up yesterday cause I was so scared at first.
Well, I'm gonna get ready to go to the V-E-T, but I'll post more later. Before I go, here is a picture of me being a parrot. It's my favorite spot to snuggle.

Welcome little one! You're going to like your new home very much!
hello, li'l feller--we're furry glad to meet you, an' hope your new vettie is good to you. can't wait to meet your sisfur, too!
Woohoo! You can has a blog, we'll have many many fun together BUT don't try to chase me, please, it's disturbing ;)
Niko, you are SOOOOO cute!
You are super cute Niko. I bet your sister is a cutie pie too. Keeping my paws crossed that all goes well at the v-e-t and that Cloud can soon be home with you.
Niko you are such a cute kitten. Our beans missed this stage as we are 'formerly feral' and we were six months old before we got our forever home.
Hi Niko! I'm so happy to meet you. You look cute playing parrot!
Purrrrrrrrs, Willow
Hi Niko! We don't have a blog, but we visit around, so we will visit you too!! Welcome
Brenda & Ninja
Hi ya, Niko! It's nice to meet you! And you look like you are settling in just fine! We hope your visit to the v.e.t. goes okay.
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
pee ess. we hate going in the PTU!
Oh Niko you are adorable. Sorry it took us so long to come by and meet you. We can't wait to meet your sister Cloud.
Our Mom said your Mom will probably be sad about Texas for a long time, she is still sad about Whiskers, but that being able to share her love with new kittens helps a lot.
~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
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