Niko:So, since today is Mancat Monday, I decided I would for the first time ever practice being a Mancat---on my sister. Well, Cloud ran away and Dad scooped me off and said "No, Niko". Then he carried me upstairs to Mom and said "Ok, time to schedule surgery for this little mancat!".
See, I'm a mancat! I'm a mancat! Oh wait, I'm only 6 months old. Then why do I need surgery???
Obviously, no photos were taken of me "mancatting" my sister, since I was removed quickly, so instead, I will show you the last photo of Cloud taken before HER surgery 2 months ago. (She came home very upset that night, which made Mom worried, and she forgot to help us post the picture before)

Cloud: Don't worry, Niko and I are indoor-only cats except for harness time in the summer, and I'm already sprayed, but obviously the beans aren't encouraging this sort of foolishness from him. The only reason they waited so long to get him sprayed- oh wait, I think on mancats it's called neutralized- is because of his minor neuro issues and his colds. Mom thinks he's healthy enough now and so she just has to wait for the vet to call back with some details and then she can schedule the appointment. (Niko is being taken to the regular vet since his surgery is more risky due to the neuro issues, and they have drop off and pick up appointments that are less convenient for the beans than our shelter vet did). I will let everyone know when his neutralizing appointment is.
Update From Mom:The vet called and answered all my questions about the surgery. I then said OK, transfer me to the front desk please so I can make the appt. So she did, and I waited on hold listening to Christmas (!!!) music for ten minutes. They answered, I said "I need to make an appt" and they said hold on, and I listened to Christmas music for ten MORE minutes. They answered again, I said "I need to make an appt" and the Christmas music came back on, so I hung up. I will try again in the morning. He probably will be getting neutered NEXT Tuesday, but I'll update when I can.
We will be checking in to find out when Niko will be neutralized!
~Maggie May and The Creek Cats~
We hopes the neutralizing goes ok. Iago is still asserting his attempted mancatliness on Bebe and Baci does with Suzy too, even though he was neutralized YEARS ago.
Boys ...go figure.
Heehee! Now I get what you mean by "practicing" being a mancat! Time to be neutralized, for sure. Do not worry, you will still be a good mancat.
Sounds like Spring is on the way. Don't worry Niko, all us mancats are neutralised.
Oh Nico, you are gonna be sooooo much better off without 'em young fella.
Good luck with your neutralizing!
I hope the neutralizing goes okay.
Your mom sure has been having a rough time on the phone lately.
Well, dat stuff happens. It just means yoor growing up...and need to be neutralized purrty fast!
Oops, it does sound like it's time to neutralise the hoohas, Nico..... Good luck getting that appointment!
Tom and Tama-Chan
It's ok Niko. I am neutralized, too. It's for the best. You won't even miss those things!
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