Can you alls believe we is ADULT CATS now?! Ann from Zoolatry combined the picture above for us, and also did an oil-painting image of us from when we were itty bitty kittens.
She also did the new banner up top, which most of you kitties voted on. (We actually put it up yesterday so we could check for any problems)
Well, let's have some salmon

and either a niptini for us adult cats

or milk for the kittenz.

And let's enjoy the party. We will be opening our gifts tonight and posting pictures of that and some of our old kitten pictures this week in celebration.
Purrs all!! Thanks for bisiting us on our purrfday!
Happy Happy First Birthday to Niko & Cloud! Have a lovely day full of love, fun and treats!
I brought you a little gift, a box full of wee mice!
Whicky Wuudler
We hope you have the most wonderful birthday! We love the banner, and you two look very handsome in your photos.
We brought some fresh nip with us! OK, let's get this party started!
Happy Birthday times two: two adorable itty-bitty-kitties now grown up into two beautiful
Wow, I can't believe that you are 1 year old already, happy happy purrthday! I might just have a nibble of that salmon while I'm here...
Happy First Birthday, Niko and Cloud! We hope your special day is filled with love, treats and scritches!
Happy purrfday to both of you furrom both of us.We will have a niptini and drink a toast to you.
HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY!!! What a wonderful party! We brought some treats for everyone!!! That salmon looks delish!!!
Anyone want to play THoE????
YAY!! Happy Purrfday!! What a great party!!! fank you for inviting us!
Happy Furst Purrthday to you, Niko and Cloud! It was very considerate of your mama to put out niptinis for the adult kitties, and milk for the youngsters. Even though you're one year old now, I think milk is still best for you.
We really enjoyed your party!
Dante, Domino and Dylan
Happy Happy Birthday. Hope you don't mind we brought Fenris along, he promised to be on his best behavior. ~S,S,C & F
Happy 1st Birthday, Niko and Cloud! Hope you both have a funtastic day! This is a great party!
Happy first Birthday! Congratulations on becoming adults. We enjoyed the salmon. We hope you gets lots of special presents!
Happy, Happy First Purrfday!!!
We loved looking at your pictures.
~ The Bunch
Happy Purrthday! Oh boy, yoo guys is adults now...niptini's all around!
We can hardly believe it's your first birthday already.
Happy Purrthday, Niko & Cloud
Wow! How did you get to be a year old already!! Weren't you just born? How times flies.
Well anyway, happy happy purrthday and many more. Now...let the partying begin!
George, Tipper, Max & Misty
The Crew
Happy first birthday, Niko and Cloud! I cannot believe you are all growed up now. I hope you have an extra-special day filled with hugs and kisses and treats and toys!
Wishing you Niko $ Cloud a fantastic Birthday.
Big hugs,
Happy Birthday Niko and Cloud. Yumm, that salmon looks good. I don't fink it's too early fur a drink...
an I's bringed mine famous box of voles to chase. And some catnip ice cream fur effurryone.
Love & Purrs,
Happy Birthday Nico and Cloud! WOW! It's hard to a'lieve it's been a whole year already. We's glad to haf yoo as furriends!
We's sneekin in some primo nip, treets and mousie toys.
Sanjee and the resta the Hotties
Happy happy first birthday, Niko and Cloud!! We've brought some extra nip and play toys for your party. Let's have fun!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Happy Birthday Niko and Cloud! My goodness, that year sure went fast!
Happy First Birthday!!! We brought some ham to share and we're headed over to get a niptini! We can't wait to see your presents!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Willow and I just found out about your birthday today! We hope that you had the best birthday ever! Your pictures sure do look wonderful!
Purrrrrrrs, China Cat
Happy First Purrthday and welcome to ManCatHood.
Happy 1st Birthday Nico & Cloud!! We can't believe you're a whole year old already!!
Oh noes! Our blogcation made us miss your first birthday! And it's such an impawtant one! Please accept our belated birthday wishes. We're going to put a massive bitey on mom now.
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
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