Due to limited entries, the Funny Picture Friday entries will be judged with the new entries next week. Here is today's cattion contest, you have until Sunday 9pm est to submit! It's an old pictor from when I (Cloud) was much tinier.
Every other Friday, we will have a Funny Picture Friday in memory of our OWCB, Texas. Submit us your photos to catsinmd at gmail dot com. The next contest will be SOON. Again, you can email photos at ANY TIME.
Also, every other Friday, we will have a Cattion Contest. On Fridays when there is no Funny Picture contest, our Beans will post a picture of us on this bloggy, and you'' have until Sunday at 9pm EST to submit a cattion for that post in comments! The next contest will be SOON. If you have questions about either contest, please email us at catsinmd at gmail dot com.
"Hey, I didn' know they were including bonus gifts with the soda!"
Shhhh! I'm going to pounce on Niko when he comes by!
Your FL furiends,
"What? Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper too???"
Cloud, she is the Real Thing ~Socks
The paws that refreshes. ~Scylla
The best friend thirst ever had ~Charybdis
Have a Cloud and a smile ~ Fenris
We like Coke slogans you can see more of them here
"Things to better with Cat"
"I'm a Pepper!"
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