Who's the top cat now? (Niko: There was no arranging us by the humans, Cloud wandered in the carrier on her own, which was wierd as this was less than 24 hrs after she came home from the V-E-T, you'd think she'd have learned)
No problems with the photos, but mom helped me set everything up before she left for vacation. She had problems viewing photos from her smart phone this weekend from the blogs.
Every other Friday, we will have a Funny Picture Friday in memory of our OWCB, Texas. Submit us your photos to catsinmd at gmail dot com. The next contest will be SOON. Again, you can email photos at ANY TIME.
Also, every other Friday, we will have a Cattion Contest. On Fridays when there is no Funny Picture contest, our Beans will post a picture of us on this bloggy, and you'' have until Sunday at 9pm EST to submit a cattion for that post in comments! The next contest will be SOON. If you have questions about either contest, please email us at catsinmd at gmail dot com.
That's a cute picture.
No problems with the photos, but mom helped me set everything up before she left for vacation. She had problems viewing photos from her smart phone this weekend from the blogs.
Aww, you guys look so cute! There's just something about the carrier that begs to be investigated!
You're looking very manly, Nico, but we think Cloud has the better seat!!!
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
We do that sometimes, Cloud, if the beans leave the carrier out!
(thanks for the Gotcha Day wishes for Zoey!)
Never go in willingly!!
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