Cloud: Mom has started calling me a portly princess. I always thought it was good to be a princess.
Niko:Yes, but it's the um..portly..part, that's a problem, Cloud.
Cloud:What does portly mean?
Niko:I think it means that 7 month old female kittens shouldn't weigh over 10 pounds!*
*number calculated using the highly innacurate method of weighing mommy both with and without a kitten on the highly innacurate scale. But Niko shows as weighing about 8 pounds, which is just a tiny bit more than what he weighed when he went in for his neuter (7.5 lbs) 2 weeks ago. And Cloud feels/looks about 2 pounds heavier.
You may just have a different body style Cloud. I am heavier then both Charybdis & Socks but I have a stockier more muscular build (I can also jump higher and out run them). ~Scylla, who is not a cow no matter what Daddy says
We don't think you are portly at all. Have you seen the newest member of our family? ~Socks & Charybdis
Statistics aside, that is a very pretty tummy!!!
Well, we sometimes call our Spunky Doodle, "Chunky Spunky." She's is not thin, that's for sure! She likes getting weighed though--she'll go on the scale and stay for awhile all on her own. You can watch a video of her on the scale at her blog: http://karen.pnn.com/5124-cat-corner-meow or on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCv7Kn7LzGI
Cloud, I get the same thing around here! I am now on a diet, which is no fun at all!
The humans should know better than to joke about a girls weight. Shame on them. We think you look just right.
it's just a number on a scale princess. if you go my mommy's method, then if your furs feel tight you need to lose weight.
Oh Cloud, I do not think you are portly! You have a very cute, girlish figure.
Uh oh, Cloud...do you know the four letter word d-i-e-t???
We love the white stripe down your tummy!
Beautiful kitty~
We think you have a cute, not portly tummy.
Thats a cute furry tummy...
Oah that is a very very lovely cute tummy~
a belly to snorgle!
All the more beautiful belly for us to LOVE! *purrs*
Wow! I'm 13 and I only weigh 8 1/2 pounds.
Hey, I weighed that much when I was 7 months old. And I was svelt. You look pretty good to me!
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